How to have a healthy love relationship

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To be very honest, love relationship nowadays is nothing but a joke for so many people and for so many reasons.

How to have a healthy love relationship

To be very honest, healthy love relationship nowadays is nothing but a joke for so many people and for so many reasons. People betray a lot that so many of us are afraid of getting into a romantic healthy love relationship with someone. Once you are betrayed by someone, you start having trust issues and find it hard to trust someone again. In spite of all that, you still crave for someone to have that place in your life because in the end we all need someone in our life. So to have a healthy relationship with someone, we need to keep some things in our mind. A romantic or love relationship is the one where you are emotionally attached and intimate with each other. You need to be aware of so many things before getting into a love relationship. Let’s have a look on those points.

Speak your heart out:

When you are into a love relationship with someone, hiding things won’t work at all because at some point that person needs to know each and everything that’s going on your life for the sake of the relationship. So always speak your heart earlier into the relationship and let them know each and everything about you and your life. Anything that is bothering you tell them because your partner can’t read your mind so don’t expect something like that, it’s not possible at all. The attitude towards you after sharing anything would help you to understand your partner’s perception a lot and also how they feel about you.

Be a good listener:

It’s a very important point in a healthy love relationship. When your partner is sharing you something don’t interrupt and listen to it carefully to understand what’s going on in his mind lately or how exactly he is feeling about it because if you don’t listen to it carefully, you can’t respond according to it. Because your reply afterwards is going to show him how seriously you take him.

Set up healthy boundaries:

Healthy boundaries are important to keep up the respect into a relationship. It can be sexual boundaries and also mental for instance, don’t try to control each other or dominate each other. These are the things that make a relationship toxic. To make the relationship work, you will need to compromise few things which are also needs to be something healthy. Just don’t make it toxic getting control over the other person as it will only cause negativity in he relationship.

Communicate properly:

Good communication is one of the most important facts of a healthy love relationship. Communication gap can make you distant from each other. You don’t need to talk all the time but you need to let your partner know what’s really going on in your life. And also if you want something, communicate clearly; tell things clearly because misunderstanding happens more often in a relationship like this. You can avoid those misunderstandings if you clearly say things without making it complex.

Be expressive:

It is very important to tell your partner everyday about how you feel about the. Many people think that expressing emotions can weaken a relationship because it can change the attitude of your partner towards you. But the truth is if that person is really into you, something like that would never happen. Let him know how much you miss them and want them right beside you whenever you feel like. If you ever feel that your partner is getting emotionally distant from you just talk with him without any hesitation. Don’t just make any assumption; ask him directly what is going wrong with him. Be humble enough to make him feel comfortable about sharing his feelings and emotions.

Be expressive

Give efforts:

Effort is a crucial fact in a relationship. Your effort shows how much you are really serious about your partner or you really care about him or not. No matter how busy you are you always have times for yourself. Make that person a part of it to make him feel special. We often hear people saying they need time for themselves too and that’s okay but if you really love your partner and his company, you would like to take some moment from that time to be with him. We say we have our stuffs to do and we don’t have free time to give our partner but we forget that they are an important part of our life too.

Treat your partner well:

No matter how close you get with your partner, never make him feel disrespected because of anything. If you have any issue or complain just say it humbly but don’t burst out with anger. Your words can hurt your partner in a way which you can’t even imagine and we often burst out without asking it in a right way. If you are angry because of something just find the solution instead of yelling, using degrading language, talking about breakup and all. These things have always the negative effects on a relationship.

Treat your partner well

Be appreciative:

Always appreciate each other’s good works, success and talents. It’s a way how you can really make him feel good. Each and everyone needs to feel appreciated by their partner. Appraisals are also very important. Praise your partner when he/she looks good; pamper them with your words because he expects you to do that for him. Also because no other person can tell that things to him except you, you have the right for those particular things. So it’s very natural that he’s going to expect it from you only. Little things sometimes matter a lot, so focus on that little appreciations and appraisals.

Give space to each other:

It’s important to give space to each other because you can’t fill every role in his life. He may have friends, colleagues and other people in his life with whom he would like to spend his times too. And that’s very normal because we all want that. Never complain and force him to give up on these people because that makes a relationship toxic again as you try to control and dominate things.

We all need someone in our life to grow old with. That role has a very important place in life but we often refuse it. We should understand that a romantic relationship should not be taken for granted because your partner is also a very important part of your life like the others. Once you make him a part, treat him like a priority, not just as an option. That’s how you can keep up a healthy relationship.

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