How to quit bad habits

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How to quit bad habits

How to quit bad habits

How to quit bad habits from which we want to escape. It can be smoking, late night internet surfing, alcohol, over dependency on junk food etc. Habits are so hard to break because we do it constantly every day. So it keeps interrupting our life which is why we find it difficult to get rid of any bad habit. Mostly our bad habit develops from tensions or boredom. Unknowingly we develop our bad habits sometimes. Did you ever think when and from where it started? I’m sure most of you will end up with a reason such as frustration or a monotonous life. So how can we help ourselves to escape these How to quit bad habits? Let’s have a look at some facts.

Find out the core:

First of all, you need to find out exactly how to quit bad habits what the core of it is. For example, if you are taking a long time to finish your meal because of eating in front of the television, then what is the problem here, the TV or you are a late eater? Figure it out and then try to help yourself.

Figure out the reason for doing it:

Try to figure out what’s making you to do those bad habits of yours. If it’s smoking then why are you smoking? If you are so much into junk foods what is making you to eat only junk foods a lot while you can eat healthily? Here you need a little bit of analysis about yourself.

Replace it with something:

To change the bad habit you need to replace it with something else which is one of the very effective ways to deal with your bad habit. Whenever you feel like doing that particular thing or to have that, try to alternate it with something else which is not harmful as a habit or for your health, means a better alternative which makes you feel good in the same way or may be better. Something that is as much as enjoyable and entertaining to you. Your brain won’t be able to take it easily at the very beginning but eventually you will be able to get rid of it if you stay focused. Keep yourself motivated thinking about the positive outcomes.

Give rewards to yourself:

Set a target each time you able to skip the bad habit and keep rewards based on those targets so you get a mindset to meet that and beat the bad habit in a satisfactory way. Because every time you keep yourself away from doing it, you are getting a gift or reward for yourself according to your own choice which is making you happy. Our brain feel delighted to have rewards and gifts so no wonder it’s a very effective way to stay away from your bad habits.

Make a commitment to help yourself:

Give commitment to your closest friends or your best friend about fulfilling your target. You can keep your favorite thing or some money to your friend and tell him/her to keep it until you achieve your target, which will motivate you to take it back from that person and you’ll work hard to get it back. Your good friends are going to help you in this regard no matter what. Also you can offer them to do it as well so that you can help each other to get over your bad habits real soon. Helping each other would be more effective to attain your goal.

How to get rid of bad habits

Take responsibilities:

Often it’s just our boredom and lack of being productive which leads us to do our bad habits even more. Taking responsibility about something can completely change that scenario. For example if you take the responsibility to do some household chores to help your mom or to do any other work that reduces the load from any of your family members, then just go for it because the time and effort you will give to accomplish your responsibilities will not only make you busy but most importantly it will help you to be responsible. Your family would also be happy to see you learning to take responsibilities.

Don’t compare:

Most of the time we tend to compare our lifestyle with others and get sad seeing their lifestyle on social media. We let our mind be driven by those things even though it’s not always real because people don’t show their sorrows on these platforms but the good moments. So don’t just let your mind get affected by anything and stay focused on your goal for the sake of your own betterment.

How to break your the habits

Start right now:

Human nature is to say “Not today but tomorrow”, which is the best enemy in making good changes or to accomplish anything. If you have thing about something start it immediately because tomorrow you may going to say the same thing and there will be no tomorrow to start it but keep rolling like that. So start it the day you thought of it and have a mindset that each day is a challenge to break it.

Be with better companions:

Sometimes it’s your circle that is leading you to your bad habits because they do it too. Try to change your circle choose to be with those friends and companions who are not influencing you to do such things which are harmful for you. You can have friends who have these habits but instead of leaving their side you can help each other to leave the bad habit that you both are facing together. Companions matter a lot to be a person with good habits and to break all the bad ones.

Exercise and meditate:

How to quit bad habits? Exercise, meditation, yoga usually helps a lot to get rid of your bad habits because it keeps you active and give relaxation. Make a routine for it and do it regularly on that time so you can have a schedule to maintain. Live a healthy life.

Breaking bad habit is not an easy journey to make. We need to compromise with things to make this happen and not everyone is ready to compromise. So a mindset towards it is needed as much as you want to make good changes in your life and yourself. And in this process you need to know that you really need to be kind, patient and caring to yourself and love yourself more.

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