Author Archives: zxrajib

How to improve your sense of style

Category : Fashion,life style

How to improve your styling sense

We all have different perception about styling. Many of us mostly try to go with the trend. Trend is something which will lead you to be the one which you are not. According to me, sometimes it’s okay to follow trend but not all of it because everyone should have their own style to carry themselves. You can improve your sense of style when you can be yourself, wearing in dresses and accessories in which you feel comfortable and that fit you well. So what are the major things that can help you to improve your sense of style keeping...

To be very honest, love relationship nowadays is nothing but a joke for so many people and for so many reasons.

Category : life style,Mental Health,Relationships

How to have a healthy love relationship

To be very honest, healthy love relationship nowadays is nothing but a joke for so many people and for so many reasons. People betray a lot that so many of us are afraid of getting into a romantic healthy love relationship with someone. Once you are betrayed by someone, you start having trust issues and find it hard to trust someone again. In spite of all that, you still crave for someone to have that place in your life because in the end we all need someone in our life. So to have a healthy relationship with someone, we need...

How education is important
  • November 15, 2019
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Category : Language

How important is education

Education does not only mean to read and write. It means to make it use properly in every aspect of our life. You don’t have to depend on others for so many thing when you are educated enough to do your thing on your own. There one thing is needed to mention that literacy and education is two completely different things so don’t just mix it up. Literacy is the capability to read and write but education is utilizing that ability to improve your knowledge and skills in different fields in your life. To live a standard life, education has...

Why homeschooling is better than school

Category : life style

Why homeschooling is better than school?

Why homeschooling is better than school Homeschooling encourages a kid in extracurricular activities more than a school does. Are we clear with the concept of homeschooling yet? If not, homeschooling is basically the education process which occurs at the home or anywhere else but not in the school. It’s the alternative to any private and public school and it’s legal. In 21st century, homeschooling can be the smartest way to educate your children rather than schools. Children in homeschooling can also access internet and do extracurricular activities. People mostly send their children to school to improve their social skills but...

Why marriage should not be the ultimate goal

Category : life style,Relationships

Why marriage should not be the ultimate goal

It may sound funny but at the beginning I would like to mention that the people who are lucky enough to find love in their life are not the target readers here. Also it’s not said that those who haven’t found someone yet is unlucky. Marriage should be the ultimate goal for them who got the love of their life already but not for them who are searching for it to happen after marriage because things doesn’t work like that in this era anymore. Did you ever think why the divorce rate is increasing by the time? Because people are...