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Role of parents in education

role of parents in education

Parents are the first teacher of us and our education starts from home so there’s a very important role of parents in education. There should be a good balance between learning in school and in home so it can shape up a child’s character properly. Parent’s support and encouragement plays a very vital role in education. Children’s capability of learning highly depends on how they are being treated in their home by the parents. If the parent-school relationship is good, it helps the children a lot to develop their learning capacity.

So, at first the parents need to focus on the very basic needs of their children which are:

The basic needs:

These are important as it helps to improve children’s learning capacity and helps them to concentrate on their study.

  1. They need to make sure if the child got enough sleep or not because without proper sleep it’s not possible to fully concentrate on anything.
  2. They need to provide them healthy food in a proper time so the child doesn’t get hungry at unusual times that may hamper his learning.
  3. It’s very important for all to be hydrated so your children must be hydrated too and therefore you need to make sure that they carry water bottle with them always.
  4. Rushing in the morning to go to school can affect the behavior of a child a lot so its important to maintain a proper time so they can wake up and get ready for school in a relaxed way.

So, these were the very basic things parents can do to support the children in their education.

Help in the homework:

its not that we are talking about doing the homework. It’s important to help them doing it by making it easy for them to understand and making it more interesting for them as it encourages a lot in the process of learning. Little tips and guidance are enough because if you go for more, they would depend on you a bit more and that’s not going to help them in it.

Study tours:

Its easy and flexible for parents to take their children anywhere at anytime so, they can take their children to historical and different other places where they can learn many important things. In this way parents can also make them more interested in study.

Giving rewards:

Giving the children reward is another effective way the parents can do to encourage them to study. It’s the motivation that helps them to perform better. So, when they do well in their exams and score good, reward them with their favorite thing so that they would be more enthusiastic about studying and learning new things.

Parent-teacher relationship:

Parent teacher interaction and a good relationship between them is very important because it’s a team work. Teachers and parents work together in the progress of a child so it’s important to attend parent-teacher meeting to be updated about children’s activities so that they can work together improving them and correcting their flaws and lacking.

Preparing for tests:

Parents can be a major support during the tests and big exams as they can help their children at home to maintain study timing and other activities. They can take mini tests at home to prepare them to be more confident. They help them to understand difficult lessons that would help the children score good in the tests. You can’t defy the role of parents in education at all because the way they can prepare their children can’t be done in school. So, few things are totally irreplaceable here.

Giving them time:

Role of parents in education is much related when it’s about giving time to the children. Besides working, if parents give their children quality time to play, talk and do other interesting activities with them, mentally it helps them a lot to be more focused and be more enthusiastic in every activity because only parents can give that type pf mental peace. We can relate how parent’s support affect our mind drastically. When we have the support of our parents in anything, things get easier for us as our state of mind remains calm and tension free.

Active learning:

Parents have a great role to encourage them in active learning. If they are engaged into active learning at home it will reflect in the classroom too and that’s the benefit of active learning. Parents can also help them building a good circle from neighborhood who would help associating those activities together so that they can have the progress together. This can make the children more active and teach them peer to peer learning. They become livelier and more interactive through this process.

Being Best friends:

If a parent is the best friend of a child, that child can progress very quickly. So, if the parents are the best friends, it becomes very easier for the children to learn anything fast because they feel free to express anything to their parents. If they give the children assurance about helping them whenever its needed, the confidence of children boost in a greater way which helps them to learn and perform better in the school.  Also, it can help them to build good social skills and behavior. If parents give the children space to express their feelings, they start relying on them which is very important.

There are so many studies that stresses about the very importance of parents’ role in education which can’t be denied in any way. Parents are the first teacher so the children who get proper support from parents at home can do better performance in the school also can get good grades in the exams. They also perform well in extracurricular activities and all including sports, game etc. Because when children know that their parents understand them the most, they hesitate about nothing and become much more confident. So, parent’s role in education just knows no bound and every parents should be supportive to their children.

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